May, 2020
Creative Motion® Alliance News
ZOOM Meet 'n Greet
June 14, 2020
3pm Eastern
Review Bylaw Changes,
CMA News
ZOOM - 2020 CMA
General Membership Meeting
July 19, 2020
4pm Eastern
Updates, Bylaw Revision Approval, Officer Election, Future Plans
Creative Motion
Summer Symposium
July 12-14, 2021
Berea, Kentucky
for JUNE - 2020
Many of you may have received information about events planned for Berea, Kentucky and Louisville, Kentucky in recent emails and newsletters. With challenges related to COVID-19 and to help safeguard the health of those who may have to travel to attend, the Creative Motion Alliance Executive Board has chosen to cancel plans for these events. Fortunately, Creative Motion helps us re-gear for the next opportunities to come our way!
At the 2019 CMA General Membership Meeting it was determined that a change in the Executive Board structure was required. A draft document of revisions are ready for review by the membership.
Highlights include
Executive Board reduces to 3 elected offices, each with a three year term.
Stipulates a plan for term limits and clarifies areas of responsibility.
Other changes include: membership categories, election procedures, standing committees listed and amendment procedures.
You can see a side-by-side comparison of the current bylaws and the proposed changes on this document. Please share your comments, suggestions, questions or concerns via this survey link. You can also email those questions or comments to or call Phyllis Pasley at 314-306-7575.
Special thanks to the members of the Executive Board who worked on this new structure: Amy Lytle, Jennifer Isenhour, Justin Isenhour, Mary Ann Fritz, Mary Hannah Klontz, Phyllis Pasley.
One of Creative Motion's most dynamic teachers, Frank A. Heller, III passed away on March 17, 2020. He gifts were many: as husband, father, grandfather, teacher, singer, conductor, worship leader, coach, cheerleader, colleague and friend. His laughter - infectious. His joy in music-making - evident. His ability to connect with others - inspiring. He will be missed.
Plans for honoring his memory are not yet confirmed, but we will keep you informed when details become known.
Jacksonville, Florida is the site of an ongoing research study with students at the Jacksonville School for Autism coordinated by Certified Creative Motion Instructor Ty Miller, assisted by Dr. Kim Lucker-Green, department head of all ABA therapies for the school. Although data collection began in February, the work was interrupted by the school closure due the COVID-19 Pandemic. There are plans to resume the research project in the fall.
Winthrop University hosted a January, 2020 Creative Motion workshop led by Dr. Eric Kesler, Certified Creative Motion teacher from Nazareth College in Rochester, NY. More than 21 students attended the two-day event free of charge thanks to support of Winthrop's Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia and Sigma Alpha Iota chapters along with support from the Creative Motion Alliance. Workshop planner Dr. Justin Isenhour tells us there are plans to continue offering the workshop in the future.
Creative Motion Summer Conference
Berea, Kentucky
July 12-14, 2021
Plans are in the preliminary stages for our biennial
summer gathering of the Creative Motion Alliance in 2021 with a return to Berea, Kentucky. For those who may not be aware, Berea, KY is where the phrase of Creative Motion study led by Margaret Allen began seventy years ago. We'll be in touch with more details as they unfold. We hope you can join us there in 2021!
We want to acknowledge the leadership and service of former president of the Creative Motion Alliance - Jennifer Isenhour - for her outstanding service to the board, and for her leadership and willingness to accept challenging responsibilities in times of transition. In addition to her service on the board, she has served as historian for many years. Jennifer also designed and created many of our recent newsletters and continues to serve on the certification committee. Not only did she fulfill an unexpired term and graciously serve as First Vice-president during the 2019 Creative Motion Symposium, along with all of the responsibilities for conference planning and implementation, but Jennifer unexpectedly assumed the presidency in 2019.
Although the Executive Board regretfully received her resignation on April 19, 2020, they did so with a sense of understanding and sincere appreciation for her leadership. Jennifer has indicated her willingness to continue to serve the Alliance in other ways. We gratefully acknowledge and appreciate her continued commitment to further the work of Creative Motion.
With the changes in structure as a result of the proposed bylaw changes, your Executive Board accepted responsibility for officer nominations this year. The slate of officers to be placed before the membership at our ZOOM General Membership Meeting on July 19, 2020 includes: President-Mary Hannah Klontz, Phyllis Pasley-Vice-President, and Secretary/Treasurer-Christie Tompkins. Additional nominees will also be accepted.
We wish to express our sincere appreciation for all of those members of the Executive Board who have served the Alliance through this time of transition. We especially wish to thank Jennifer Isenhour, Justin Isenhour, Amy Lytle, and Mary Ann Fritz for their extraordinary leadership as they leave the Executive Board to serve the Alliance in other ways. Thank you so much for your service!
2020 Dues Waiver Announced
At a recent meeting the Executive Board voted to waive the membership dues for 2020. This was due to a variety of circumstances, not the least of which was the devastating financial impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. We want to ensure that every current, former and potential member of the Creative Motion Alliance is included in our conversations and is able to cast their vote in regard to the bylaws, restructuring, elections and our plans for the future!
This year, all we will need to process your membership in the Creative Motion Alliance is a valid email address and a confirmation of your contact information.
Although we will not be collecting dues, donations to the Creative Motion Alliance are always welcome. Your donations help sponsor workshops and publications which help spread the word. As a 501c.3, your donations are tax-deductible too! You can make a donation here.
We are pleased to announce that we have a new general email address: Please add this to your contact file to help messages get into your inbox.
We are also pleased to announce that the work begun back in 2017 by Ian Hooper is finally seeing some additional action! Ian worked hard to establish a social media presence for the Creative Motion Alliance. With shifting of priorities, we we've been unable to build on that foundation he created for us until now. Thanks to Ian's efforts, we now have a unified access for our social media networks. Based on Martha Stockton Russell's collection of folk songs, the account name chosen was @SingSwingPlay.
Thanks to Mary Hannah Klontz and Phyllis Pasley, we now have some content in all of our areas. Although there are just a few postings in our Twitter and Instagram accounts, we are hoping to expand our activity into these areas. We have hopes that our Facebook page for the Creative Motion Alliance (not to be confused with the Facebook "Windswept" group) will also be utilized more often. Of special note we have a series of videos posted on our YouTube channel, featuring Mary Hannah sharing some exercises that Creative Motion students can use to do some breathing and body tuning.
We encourage you to visit, like, follow, subscribe and also help suggest any content you think might be relevant to our membership. Send your ideas for videos, messages or memes to
YouTube: Creative Motion Alliance Sing Swing Play
FACEBOOK: @singswingplay
Twitter: @singswingplay
Instagram: @singswingplay
Please add to your contacts: