Creative Motion offers an immersive experience for musical growth for students of all ages. It begins with the student's talent, and then continues building musical intuition. It is not unusual to hear a Creative Motion student perform with unexpected maturity. In fact, it is the norm!
The whole person - body, mind and spirit - is the primary instrument in all music making. Creative Motion focuses on exploring and internalizing the interrelated elements of music (melody, rhythm, harmony, phrase, etc.) through movement exercises. Applied classes provide specific instruction in how the principles work for vocalists, pianists, and all other instrumentalists. By helping students find ways to experience the music inside, their level of artistic expression can become greatly enhanced.
Music students also frequently find themselves in competitive situations.
Auditioning for ensembles, roles, summer festivals, etc. is stressful. Creative Motion helps give performers an edge by releasing much of the tension within the body, which inhibits optimal performance. It will also bring students closer to discovering a composer's intent and the inherent joy/beauty of the music. Creative Motion develops the skills needed to develop true artistry.