Fall, 2020
Creative Motion® Alliance News
Newsletter Archive
Creative Conversations
Sunday Night Sessions
Join us via ZOOM.
(on hiatus until Jan. 10, 2021)
Creative Motion
Monthly Sessions
led by certified Creative Motion teachers. view scheduled presenters here.
January 24, 2021 -
Dr. Mary Hannah Klontz, presenter
email info@creativemotion.org with any questions you may have.
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Creative Motion
Summer Symposium
July 12-14, 2021
Berea, Kentucky
Creative Motion Board Expands
At the November meeting of the CMA Executive Board, leadership voted to temporarily add a 4th officer to the board. We are pleased to welcome Dr. Mary Ann Fritz who will serve as co-secretary/treasurer alongside Christie Tompkins. Other board members Dr. Mary Hannah Klontz -president, Phyllis Pasley -vice president are so excited to have Dr. Fritz and her special gifts and talents added to the team.
Creative Connections Success!
Our weekly opportunities to connect with Creative Motion work and practitioners has continued since September with great success and a growing number of participants. Following our session held on November 15, 2020, it has been decided that the weekly CREATIVE CONVERSATION sessions will enjoy a short hiatus, resuming January 10, 2021. Learn more about these sessions here.
At this writing we are reserving the 4th Sunday of the month in 2021 for our CREATIVE MOTION CLINICS led by some of our certified Creative Motion Instructors. We'll start off the new year with a presentation by Dr. Mary Hannah Klontz on January 24, 2021 at 4pm Eastern (3pm central, 2pm mountain, 1pm Pacific). REGISTER HERE for the ZOOM link. You can learn more about these Creative Motion Clinic sessions here.
Check back soon for updates on recordings from these sessions which will soon be available, and plan to join us for CMA Sunday Sessions resuming January 10, 2021.
As you likely know, Creative Motion Publications Committee chair, Dr. Mary Ann Fritz works tirelessly for the benefit of Alliance members. As editor of the Journal of Creative Motion, she has been instrumental in bringing forth this annual publication, alongside many others which help share this body of knowledge about wholeness in response in musical endeavors.
As you approach your holiday gift giving, consider sharing the gift of knowledge about Creative Motion principles! Remember - CM Alliance members also enjoy discounts on the purchase of our publications, and several publications listed below are available free of charge.
Consider brightening someone's world with one of our publications or posters!
In addition to more than twenty years of Journals of Creative Motion, Fritz has helped make several other publications available. These include:
A Creative Motion Reader - a collection of research gathered by Dr. Robert Smith on approaches to music performance that parallel or complement Creative Motion in some way. To obtain a digital file, please contact MaryAnn Fritz at mafritz616@att.net for your free copy.
The Creative Motion Papers of Margaret Allen - a compilation from the collection held by Dr. Robert Smith of the papers of Dr. Margaret Allen, founder of the Windswept Music Workshop. If you would like a digital copy of this collection of writings, please contact MaryAnn Fritz at mafritz616@att.net for your free copy.
Guides to Creative Motion Musicianship - by Margaret Allen (Ebook and Print editions available.)
A Music Lens on History, 2nd edition - by Martha Russell - edited by Mary Ann Fritz
To receive your free copy of the current version of the Journal of Creative Motion, for more information please contact Dr. Mary Ann Fritz, mafritz616@att.net or the Creative Motion Alliance at info@creativemotion.org
Eric passed away after complications following open-heart surgery on December 4, 2020. He is survived by his wife, Korinne, also a CM alumnus, and two sons - Samson (age 6) and Sawyer (age 3). Read more about his life and legacy and his obituary here. In remembrance of Eric’s life, donations can be made to assist the family through a GoFundMe campaign via https://gf.me/u/zbmr7b or or to the Creative Motion Alliance at https://www.creativemotion.org/donate.
In Memorium
We are saddened to share news of the passing of Dr. Eric Kesler, former president of the CMA Executive Board, gifted teacher, talented performer, dear colleague and friend.
Creative Motion Summer Conference
Berea, Kentucky
July 12-14, 2021
With rapidly changing events, plans for in-person events become even more uncertain.The Creative Motion Alliance is still hoping plans can proceed for an in-person gathering at our biennial summer meeting. Save the date and plan to join us for the Creative Motion Alliance event July 12-14, 2021 with a return to Berea, Kentucky. For those who may not be aware, Berea, KY is where the phrase of Creative Motion study led by Margaret Allen began seventy years ago. More details to come. We hope you can join us there in 2021!
2020 Dues Waiver
Members are reminded that the Executive Board voted to waive the membership dues for 2020. This was due to a variety of circumstances, not the least of which was the devastating financial impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. We want to ensure that every current, former and potential member of the Creative Motion Alliance is included in our conversations and is able to cast their vote in regard to the bylaws, restructuring, elections and our plans for the future!
This year, all we will need to process your membership in the Creative Motion Alliance is a valid email address and a confirmation of your contact information.
Although we will not be collecting dues, donations to the Creative Motion Alliance are always welcome. Your donations help sponsor workshops and publications which help spread the word. As a 501c.3, your donations are tax-deductible too! You can make a donation here.
DONATIONS WELCOME - As our year draws to a close, perhaps it is not too early to consider making a contribution to the Creative Motion Alliance as part of your end-of-year giving. Your donations make a difference and help us reach our goals. Thanks for considering CMA as a part of your annual giving. You can make your tax-deductible donation here.